2024 travel trends

Staying on top of travel trends is key to delivering exciting and tailored experiences for travelers. Explore Expedia's 2024 travel trends to elevate your service and keep journeys unforgettable.


Using first-party travel data and surveying 20,000 global travelers, Expedia has done the research to find out what’s going to be on the cards for travel in 2024. We've compiled the top 3 trends we think all travel advisors should know.


Trend 1

TV shows and movies are a major influence on travel choices

Want to know where travelers will be asking you to travel in 2024? Look no further than your TV screen. More than half of travelers say they’ve researched or booked a trip to a destination after seeing it on a TV show or in a movie. In fact, travelers say TV shows influence their travel decisions more than Instagram, TikTok, and podcasts. trend1

Trend 2

Travelers seek cheaper, less crowded alternatives to popular destinations

TikTok popularized "dupes" for affordable travel options, with 1 in 3 people admitting to booking one. These alternatives, offer a similar vibe or experience as popular and often more expensive or crowded places. These alternatives can provide a comparable atmosphere, attractions, or activities while being more budget-friendly and less overrun by tourists.


Trend 3

Travelers want accommodations that offer more than a typical hotel

Travelers are increasingly looking to immerse themselves in local cultures, as evidenced by a more than 125% jump in searches for ryokans, or modest, traditional Japanese inns; and Moroccan riads, which are homes or palaces with inner courtyards. For travelers looking to book these memorable stays, how about using our list of trending hotels which you can easily find them on Expedia TAAP. trend3

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