Marketing eBooks
When you have the rest of your business to run, marketing can be a time-consuming and challenging activity – and even feel like a distraction from serving your travelers. Marketing can take a backseat among other priorities. That's why keeping on top of the game and refining your skills is so important.
We have created the below guides to help you take your marketing skills to the next level. Our guides cover a variety of topics from creating social media campaigns to using to customer relationship management.
How to attract travelers
Acquiring new travelers can be difficult in a competitive landscape. This guide provides you with proven tactics to help you increase your traveler base.
A guide to email marketing platforms
Email marketing can really boost your travel business, but choosing the right platform to communicate with travelers can be daunting. Check out our tips.
How to use social media
Nearly everyone is on social media. Used with care and attention, social media can help take your business to new heights and reach ever-wider audiences.
Creating content to engage travelers
The idea is simple: Rather than directly sell your business, create genuinely useful and entertaining content to start a real conversation with travelers.
Using loyalty to keep travelers
Loyalty is an emotion, above all else. It is an emotion we can explore to encourage travelers to consciously use services time and time again.
Customer relationship management
Acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing one. Key to that retention is managing customer relationships—a process known as CRM.
How to use SEO to boost your website
Every day, search-engine bots trawl through well over a billion websites to find information in the millions of pieces of content produced daily.
How to create a marketing strategy
An effective marketing strategy can attract new travelers to your business, build loyalty, and convert visits directly into bookings.