
Accessing an existing booking

If you need to retrieve an existing booking that you've made, you can do so with Expedia TAAP in 4 easy steps!

1. Click Trips

Make sure you're logged into your Expedia TAAP account and click the 'Trips' button on the home page.


2. Select your booking type

Once the Trips page has opened, you will see tabs with Upcoming, In-progress, Past, and Canceled trips. Click on the relevant tab.


3. Review and select your existing booking

You can locate booked trips by searching a variety of options: traveler name, itinerary name, destination, or itinerary number. Simply select the relevant option from the drop-down menu, add your search term and your trip list will automatically update to match your search parameters.


4. Success!

Click on your itinerary number of your chosen trip to open it up.

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