Managing a Vrbo booking
Vacation rental properties on Expedia TAAP come from two sources: Expedia and Vrbo.
Expedia: This is also where Expedia TAAP's traditional accommodations (such as hotels) are sourced from. The support model remains the same and these vacation rental bookings can be managed directly with Expedia TAAP.
Vrbo: This is another Expedia Group brand that offers thousands of vacation rental properties. Some of these Vrbo properties are made available via Expedia TAAP, and you'll be able to see all your Vrbo bookings on Expedia TAAP "Trips" as usual. If you need to change/modify these bookings you'll need to manage it directly on Vrbo's website. For cancellations, you can use the TAAP virtual agent. See how to use the virtual agent.
You can identify properties that have been sourced from Vrbo as the Reservation ID starts with HA (example below). To learn how to identify Vrbo properties before placing the booking, please read the Booking a Vacation Rental guide.
Tip: If you simply want to cancel your Vrbo booking, we recommend using the Virtual Agent in Expedia TAAP as this will be the quickest and easiest option.
1. Go to and choose Traveler Login
2. Log in to Vrbo
Enter your Expedia TAAP email address. Then input your First Name, Last Name, and Expedia TAAP password. Then click "Sign Up" which will link your Vrbo and TAAP accounts.
3. Go to "My Trips" and choose the booking you want to manage
Once you open the reservation, select from the available options: Contact host, Modify, or cancel.
You can send a message to the host at any time. If you prefer to call them and their phone number is made available, please keep the potential time difference in mind.
Need additional support?
If you need extra help, you can visit the Vrbo Help Center. Vrbo offers 24/7 support via 3 channels (highlighted in the screenshot below):
Help articles: You can search for anything in the search bar
Vrbo Support Virtual Agent: Click "Traveler Chat"
Call Vrbo support: Click "Contact Us"