Booking a car rental

Please note: if you do not see a cars option on the homepage search widget, then this category is not yet available in your country.

With Expedia TAAP you gain access to over 120 car rental suppliers in 3000+ locations*. Most of our car options are also 100% refundable as long as they’re canceled 24 hours before the scheduled pick-up. Pre-paid car rental bookings also count towards your Expedia TAAP tier progression!

1. Enter search parameters

Select Cars on the booking tool home page and enter your search parameters. Then click Search.

2. Apply filters

Effortlessly narrow down your search by applying filters based on the traveler’s preferences. Filter categories include:

  • Member prices
  • Type of car (popular)
  • Payment option
  • Rental car company
  • Pick-up location

3. Review car details

Now that you’ve selected a car, you can review the additional details before choosing to reserve it. It’s worth paying extra attention to the pick-up and drop-off location and hours of operation, as well as the mileage and fuel policy. Drivers under 25 or over 70 years of age may also need to pay an extra fee for insurance. For additional driver charges, mileage and fuel policy, extra hours, or other important details, we recommend you read the rules and restrictions in the rental policies box.

4. Checkout

You’re at the last step! Then enter your traveler’s contact information and you can also add their loyalty information. Do a final review of the “Important car information” and make a note of the amount due in local currency. Then hit Reserve Now.

5. Confirmation

Once you complete the booking, you’ll receive an instant booking confirmation to your Expedia TAAP email address. There is no need to reconfirm with the property or Agent Support.

*Expedia Group internal data, 2023

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