Booking a package

With Expedia TAAP you can combine travel products together (e.g. flight + property + car) in one transaction to create the perfect trip for the traveler. Booking different travel products together can unlock impressive savings, such as Package Rates which offer an average 20% discount on accommodation.

If Packages are available on your Expedia TAAP point of sale, then it will appear as an option on the Expedia TAAP homepage. If you don't see the option, as an alternative try searching for Package Rates.

1. Select Packages and enter your search parameters

Choose the travel combination you would like to book. Vacation rental options will also be provided with any combination requests that include a property in the package.

2. Follow the prompts to checkout

After clicking Search you will be able to easily follow the booking prompts which are based on the travel combination you selected in Step 1. As with every booking, please make sure to double-check the cancellation/refund policy before making the booking.

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