Adding a special request
We understand that to provide an exceptional experience for the travelers you serve, you may need to make special arrangements with the property. Such as a rollaway bed, late check-in, and accessible rooms.
Special requests are not guaranteed, but properties will typically try to be accommodating. If you don’t hear back from the property, you may want to contact them directly to confirm.
1. At the time of booking
You can add a special request to your property booking at the checkout page:
2. After booking
You can also contact the property to request and confirm special requests. One way to do this is by using the Virtual Agent feature online.
3. There are two ways you can add a special request:
If you're not able to confirm the special request online, you can contact Agent Support who will get in touch with the property for you. Please note the property is not obliged to guarantee any special requests. In addition, please advise the traveler to remind the property of the special request at check-in.